Property Insurance Claims Lawyers in Florida
Was Your Insurance Claim Underpaid or Denied? Hire an Expert Insurance Claim Lawyer To Fight For Your Rights!
Property Insurance Claims in Florida
Denied insurance claims or an underpaid insurance claim can leave you feeling vulnerable, taken advantage of, discouraged and afraid of what the potential outcome may bring. All too often, after making a claim many are denied or left underpaid for what seems like no legitimate reason at all, and the insurance you’ve carried for your home or your business isn’t covering you when you need it most.
At Shochet Law, we want to help you! As representatives to both individuals as well as small to mid-size businesses, we fight denied or underpaid insurance claims, from all types of property damages to claims for complex business damages.
Oftentimes, insurance companies will interpret policies as they see fit in order to deny or underpay valid claims in order to discourage a homeowner from pursuing a claim or to financially burden a business, subsequently avoiding paying out to policyholders. We at Shochet Law are here to inform you that you are well within your rights to seek out your claim settlement in full.
We bring decades of experience in all of Florida working on cases related to insurance claims and disputes, and we work diligently to prepare, present & argue your case. Our clients rely on us for aggressive representation for their denied or underpaid insurance claims.
Denied Insurance Claims
Oftentimes, insurance companies will interpret policies as they see fit in order to deny or underpay valid claims in order to discourage a homeowner from pursuing a claim or to financially burden a business, subsequently avoiding paying out to policyholders.
Read this article about a popular insurance company illegally denying a claim.
Underpaid Insurance Claims
In Florida, insurance companies want to pay as little as possible to resolve your claim. Most of the time, insurance companies pay less than what you are entitled to receive. They play games and use tricks to underpay you.
Right to Repair Insurance Claims
Many Florida property insurance policies contain ‘Right to Repair’ provisions. Also known as ‘Option to Repair’ provisions, which give the insurance company considerable power to control the repairs to your home. This means that the insurance company, instead of paying you a settlement, can hire contractors to repair your property and replace the destroyed or severely damaged goods but doesn’t give you a say in what they repair.
Bad Faith Insurance Claims
Florida law sets forth certain conduct that is considered bad faith on the part of the insurance company. This ranges from insurance company delay, unfair settlement offers, failing to respond to their insureds, and other conduct.